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Infused Gummy For Reliable Dosing...

Accessible Edible For Ease Of Use & Implementation

No chemicals, additives or aftertaste. Plus, MULTIPLE FLAVORS to choose from!

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(Now Offering 10-Count Gummy Safe Release Container)


Chill stress

Amazing taste (no CHEMICAL SWEETENER flavor here!)

ONLY incredible whole PLANT ingredients

100% yummy

No questions asked, 30-day money-back guarantee

Finally... An Accessible & Delicious  Gummy You Can Get Behind

“I’m down 10 lbs and my energy is fantastic!”

“I love this flavor! I take Zuma Juice packets wherever I go. They help me with my cravings and snacking. I’m down 10 lbs and my energy is fantastic. I’m obsessed!”
— Jenna P., 34 years of age

“I love getting my greens now! haha.”

“I’ll be honest. I’m not crazy for vegetables. I was the kid that would hide vegetables in my napkin at the dinner table. I knew I had to get more veggies. That’s why I chose Zuma Juice. It’s suuuuuuuper yummy and gives me energy and makes me feel awesome. I love getting my greens now! haha.”
— Angie G., 42 years of age

“I could mix it with just water and it tastes amazing.”

“I’ve tried almost ALL of the green juices. Most of them are overpriced lawn clippings. Or they’re filled with fake sugars that make it taste sickly sweet. Zuma Juice is the first green juice I could mix with just water and it tastes amazing. Thank you!”
— Jon R., 52 years of age

Need To Know More?

Then Keep Scrollin’ To Discover...

  • Stressed out? Get yourself 7+ hours of chill time.
  • ​Achy joints? Doing this 1 thing before sleep can stop flare-ups in their tracks.
  • ​Do you feel volcanic? Quiet the coming explosion with this daily supplement.
  • ​How about freedom from the hangover? Replace the drink to keep a clear head.

We Have An Important Question To Ask You...


This is where you want to "hook" them... 

You never want to "bury" the lead, but get right to it...

Our favorite? 

Ask a question...


  • Maybe you wanted to go swimming with Jimmy and Samantha and the rest of the crew down at the lake...
  • ​Maybe you were planning a big summer trip to a waterpark or an amusement park with the family...
  • ​Or maybe you couldn’t wait to stay up late, play video games with friends, and eat pizza past midnight without worrying about the number of calories...

Do you remember what it was like to {BIG BENEFIT FROM THE PAST} without {CURRENT PROBLEM]? 

OK— now flash forward to today...


So, what the heck happened?

Make a connection between the prospects' current problem with what's going on in the world...

Make the prospect "take a look around" and notice the big picture problem that's contributing to their stuggle...

This allows them to see how it's "not their fault" and helps them feel some relief... to feel comforted that someone "gets them."

Sound familiar?

Keep reading, because in this quick message, we’re going to uncover...

Tease, tease, tease. 

Tease the "real reason" they're suffering with this current problem...

Tease the real solution and why it's better than anything else out there...

Big tease for the solution: emphasizing its simplicity, ease-of-use, and why it's the best thing to fall in their lap today...

And if you think {INSERT COMMON HELD BELIEF}...

think again...

Tease why current "solutions" don't work... and promise why this new solution is the best option available today. 

Promise, tease, promise, tease...
Look around...

For many of us, that good ol’ “up and at ‘em” energy died years ago...

It’s become more like “groan and slog to work” energy...

We have more responsibilities than ever before, including kids, work, relationships, Thursday night D&D, you name it...
Day-in and day-out we find ourselves yawning through lunch... drinking sugary energy drinks... and munching on heavily-carb snacks...

And then we look forward to “relaxing” at night with more food to help us cope with the worry about the next day...

Sound familiar?

Tease, tease, tease. 

Tease the "real reason" they're suffering with this current problem...

Tease the real solution and why it's better than anything else out there...

Keep reading, because in this quick message, we’re going to uncover...

Big tease for the solution: emphasizing its simplicity, ease-of-use, and why it's the best thing to fall in their lap today...

And if you think {INSERT COMMON HELD BELIEF}...

think again...

Tease why current "solutions" don't work... and promise why this new solution is the best option available today. 

Promise, tease, promise, tease...


WITHOUT {insert 2 to 3 objectives}

Plus, when you do this simple step in the long-run, you may enjoy more incredible benefits, like: 

Insert benefit

Insert benefit

Insert benefit

Like Sandra P. age 43 from Ohio who said:
“This is my favorite way to start the day! It’s become my new morning ritual. I feel healthier and have tons more energy. I love reading but I started falling asleep all of the time. It would take me forever to finish a single book. Now I’m reading about 1 book every other week. I feel like my brain is moving faster. Thanks!”
Or how about Thomas H. age 36 from New Mexico:
“I don’t leave my house without making sure I have a few of these in my glovebox for work. I never thought I would be able to cut energy drinks from my life. But ever since I’ve been doing this, I don’t buy energy drinks anymore. I feel healthier and I’ve even dropped a few pounds which was an added bonus.”
Also Samantha G. age 42 from Georgia, who said:
“My aches and pains are practically gone! It’s so yummy and delicious and it makes me feel fantastic. I feel more limber and alive than I have felt in years Thank you!”

Now, Who Are We?

We’re Just Like You.

Give credibility to the guru, making them the professional and the best person to discuss this specific problem...

Like we said: 

We’re just like you.

Connect to the customer using empathy...

Understanding their pains and struggles...

We Know What It’s Like To Feel Overwhelmed With This Crazy Thing Called "Life." We know:

Be specific on the pain... use their language on how they describe the problem...
Don't just use general, "blanket terms," but really investigate what exact pains your customer is dealing with...
When you speak their language and understand their point of view... you'll gain their trust and will want to continue reading and hopefully purchase...
We’re thrilled to report, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Tease the discovery of the solution and a little bit about how this solution works to solve their problem without giving away too much. 

So, we did what every good health detective does— we went searching for clues...

And in our search for answers we kept coming back to...

Back-up your problem mechanism claim with proof, proof, proof...

Appeal to their logos and give them the stats with proof.
Proof by a recognized journal... (THEN INSERT SCREENCAP TO BACK-UP PROOF)
And then the problem  gets worse...

The cause of this even worse problem.

Proof that this bigger problem exists and could be what's causing you to experience the negative issues...

Give the name of this bigger problem something unique to help see this is something "new"

"Unique problem name that they've never heard before" 

And if this even bigger problem isn't fixed, then guess what...? 


So pay close attention to this next part.

Remind the prospect of the earlier promises, and how their answer is right around corner... give them a drive to keep reading.

Proof Pattern Interrupt

Insert A Pattern Interrupt "Johnson Box" That Calls Attention

Support what was just said with proof and list how the problems can get worse...
  • Problem 1
  • ​Problem 2
  • ​Yikes... problem 3
  • ​Ooof that hurts... problem 4
  • ​Are you kidding me?!... problem 5

Did You Know...


Give an analogy to help illustrate the bigger picture, and to help the prospect grab hold and be "grounded" again...

NOTE: analogies are often used in the health & beauty space when products can get a bit more technical and science-y...

So if you need to break down how our metabolism works, many times we would use an analogy that our market would be super familiar with...

That can be anything like, "did you know our bodies are like a home?" And then break down the similarities, while making connections to something the prospect is familiar with to something that could be new information. 

It's not used all of the time. If the offer is fairly simple, cut & dry, then probably not needed. 

Analogies overall help with understanding, which in turn has the prospect become more connected to the offer.

Same thing happens to our {INSERT FAMILIAR ANALOGY}

"Back up a claim with a direct quote from a well-known reputable source, giving a big, solid proof."

OK— we think you get the point...

Make a connection to the emotional side of the prospect. 

Let the prospect know how you both suffer with the same problems...

You're someone they can trust...

You "get" them... 

Remind them about the big promise they're about to receive!


    Insert the #1 big benefit and how it's going to impact their life in a big big way!

    Sound too good to be true? Yeah, we thought so, too...

    Until we actually took to heart what our moms have been telling us for years...

    Simple solution that doesn't necessarily solve their unique problem...

    It's a common solution, like "get more sleep"...

    Many times people do not want the "actual" solution, like eating their veggies or "get more sleep."

    They would rather drink candy and stay up for days without feeling tired.

    They want what is "new" that allows them to achieve what they want on their terms.

    What is "new" is what seperates a "meh" offer and a memorable one.

    "Eat your veggies" is nothing new...

    But 'drink your veggies that taste like candy', that's new and it helps the prospect achieve what they want (i.e., "better health") on their terms (i.e., veggies suck, make it taste like candy). 


    Insert the #1 big benefit and how it's going to impact their life in a big big way!

    Sound too good to be true? Yeah, we thought so, too...

    Until we actually took to heart what our moms have been telling us for years...

    Simple solution that doesn't necessarily solve their unique problem...

    It's a common solution, like "get more sleep"...

    Many times people do not want the "actual" solution, like eating their veggies or "get more sleep."

    They would rather drink candy and stay up for days without feeling tired.

    They want what is "new" that allows them to achieve what they want on their terms.

    What is "new" is what seperates a "meh" offer and a memorable one.

    "Eat your veggies" is nothing new...

    But 'drink your veggies that taste like candy', that's new and it helps the prospect achieve what they want (i.e., "better health") on their terms (i.e., veggies suck, make it taste like candy). 

    Pattern Interrupt "Johnson Box" With Proof To Back-Up Claim About Simple Solution

    Insert sub-headline that addresses the many benefits they're about to receive once they apply this simple method...
    • Benefit 1
    • ​Benefit 2
    • ​Benefit 3
    • ​Benefit 4

    But You Know What Sucks About {insert the simple solution that the prospect hates doing, like "sleeping" or "eating veggies."}

    The big problem with the main, simple solution

    State why the simple solution doesn't work...

    Make connections with the prospect.

    Like asking people that hate eating vegetables, "can you imagine eating 7 servings of veggies a day?"

    This is a way to keep winning them to your side. Speaking their language, including their unique problems.

    But You Know What Sucks About {insert the simple solution that the prospect hates doing, like "sleeping" or "eating veggies."}

    The big problem with the main, simple solution

    State why the simple solution doesn't work...

    Make connections with the prospect.

    Like asking people that hate eating vegetables, "can you imagine eating 7 servings of veggies a day?"

    This is a way to keep winning them to your side. Speaking their language, including their unique problems.

    OK, so what about

    {insert another common solution that's still too much work}...?

    Discuss why this other common "solution" is a big pain in the butt... 

    Which is again, a way to build the excitement about the "newness" of your out-of-the-box solution that's so awesome people will want it right away!

    A big problem about the current solution... price.

    Price is an easy one to tackle. 

    No one likes overpaying for things...

    So talk about how much money the prospect will be paying if they go with this other common solution.

    Oh, we forgot one crucial thing that makes it worth it...

    State another obvious problem with current solutions, like taste.

    Taste is a big one. 

    It's one of our senses. 

    It's also one of senses that we say is more 'sensitive' than other senses...

    People really care about what they eat and everyone has an opinion about flavor. 

    So if you're selling protein shakes and protein shakes have a reputation for tasting bad. 

    Great! It helps you stand out. Just make sure your protein shake actually tastes good, or else this whole arguement doesn't work...

    Now, we know what you’re thinking...

    “Oh great.

    ANOTHER common solution...”

    Talk about the competitors and recognize how "you're not the only one" and then go into what makes you better than the rest. 

    Don't hold back...
    1. Insert a problem with competitors' current solution that maybe the prospect wasn't made aware of before...
    Like when a person finds out what really goes into a hot dog...

    Take a common solution and open it up to show why the quality is lacking...

    2. Other competitors are stuck in times of olde...

    Discuss how your solution comes with new technlogy... and why competitors are "old fashioned"... 

    Discuss how your new technology solves another common problem with competitors... helping your offer stand out even more.
    3. Did you know other competitors often hide this shocking fact...?

    Another big problem with other competitors... and if you can, make negative comparison to help drive home the point.

    Discuss why this other common "solution" is a big pain in the butt... 

    Which is again, a way to build the excitement about the "newness" of your out-of-the-box solution that's so awesome people will want it right away!

    A big problem about the current solution... price.

    Price is an easy one to tackle. 

    No one likes overpaying for things...

    So talk about how much money the prospect will be paying if they go with this other common solution.

    Oh, we forgot one crucial thing that makes it worth it...

    State another obvious problem with current solutions, like taste.

    Taste is a big one. 

    It's one of our senses. 

    It's also one of senses that we say is more 'sensitive' than other senses...

    People really care about what they eat and everyone has an opinion about flavor. 

    So if you're selling protein shakes and protein shakes have a reputation for tasting bad. 

    Great! It helps you stand out. Just make sure your protein shake actually tastes good, or else this whole arguement doesn't work...

    Now, we know what you’re thinking...

    “Oh great.

    ANOTHER common solution...”

    Talk about the competitors and recognize how "you're not the only one" and then go into what makes you better than the rest. 

    Don't hold back...
    1. Insert a problem with competitors' current solution that maybe the prospect wasn't made aware of before... Like when a person finds out what really goes into a hot dog...

    Take a common solution and open it up to show why the quality is lacking...
    2. Other competitors are stuck in times of olde...

    Discuss how your solution comes with new technlogy... and why competitors are "old fashioned"... 

    Discuss how your new technology solves another common problem with competitors... helping your offer stand out even more.
    Really makes you wonder if you’re getting your money’s worth...

    And finally...
    3. Did you know other competitors often hide this shocking fact...?

    Another big problem with other competitors... and if you can, make negative comparison to help drive home the point.

    We were on a mission to change the status quoa...

    To have our cake and eat it, too... to do what no person/company/entity has done before...

    So, we went to work...

    Discuss briefly the amount of work you and your team went into discovering this "out of the box" solution...

    Then list the top 3 things you focused on while discovering this new solution...

    1. A benefit the customer has been wanting

    discuss this benefit and why this was important. 

    This should be a benefit the prospect has been wanting but has yet to find the right solution.

    2. Benefit #2

    Describe benefit 2... again, another opportunity to connect with the prospect, so they feel like you understand what they're looking for...

    3. Benefit #3

    Same idea as benefit #1 and #2 above...

    Wrap-up what you set out to accomplish...

    Discuss the amount of time and work...

    Everything you had to sacrifice to accomplish this incredible achievement to do what's never been done before...

    Drum roll...

    Big Reveal

    Was Born.

    Big Reveal

    Was Born.

    State what makes your product stand-out in a single sentence.

    Now, this section was brought it based the actual history with the company. 

    It was a good opportunity to show the struggles and overcoming adversary. 

    It helps build excitement and give the offer a champion-type quality that stands out. 

    It becomes almost like an experience for the prospect, so make it exciting.
    Building-up how everything was awesome, until the unexpected happen... something that was almost "out of our control"...

    Then the unexpected happened
    that we weren't prepared for...

    State the unforseen big problem...

    What happened because of the problem...

    How this unforseen problem caused a ripple effect and made everything worse...

    The giant issue this problem caused.

    But then...

    Out of the blue...

    Like some divine intervention...

    Or sheer good luck...

    A new solution presented itself that could change everything...

    (NOTE: everyone loves a "come-back" story, so if there's an opportunity to do one for your offer, use it.)
    At first, this new solution to solve the problem feels "too good to be true" so you're skeptical...

    But you put it to the test, maybe a little hesistantly at first...

    But you trusted everything would work out in the end...

    And sure enough...

    It happens. 

    The achievement you've been dying for...

    We’re Proud To Introduce...

    Product Name Of Your Solution

    The unique mechanism that defines the #1 benefit.

    • ​Benefit 1
    • ​Benefit 2
    • ​Benefit 3
    • ​Benefit 4
    • Followed by the list of benefits that's unique to this new solution
    • ​Benefit 1
    • ​Benefit 2
    • ​​Benefit 3

    “Helped me drop
    the final pounds!”

    “I don’t like taking supplements. I’ll get started but then I miss a day or two... or a week... and I forget. So I never see the results I’m aiming for. I tried greens but again I couldn’t keep up with the routine.

    These zuma packets are awesome because I can take them with me hiking or mountain biking. I actually remember to get my greens now and it helped me drop the final pounds I’ve been trying to get rid of. Thank you!”
    ~ Jeff P., Mesa, AZ

    “The best
    green juice!”

    “I’ve tried so many green juices out there because I don’t eat enough veggies. But most of them tasted nasty and were really pricey. 

    Zuma Juice is the best green juice I’ve tried. It’s yummy and keeps me energized.”
    ~ Rachel K., Provo, UT

    “You got me to
    eat my veggies!”

    “I’ll be honest. I don’t like veggies. I’ve been like this since I can remember. I keep trying to like them because I know I should. I know the food I’ve been eating has made me more bloated. But I couldn’t stand veggies. I tried a few greens but I threw them all away.

    You got me to eat my veggies. Zuma Juice doesn’t taste like a greens drink. It’s more like a minty-vanilla shake. I love it. Even my husband is shocked at how much I drink it. I get my greens at least 3x a day now. Added bonus is it keeps me regular. Customer for life!”
    ~ Krissy B., San Diego, CA

    “Hands-down the best tasting greens!”

    “I’m incredibly picky. Most greens taste too much like grass. Or they make it taste like a kid cereal and it’s gross. 

    Zuma Juice has a nice balance. You can feel it’s getting you healthy while also tasting like a treat. It’s super refreshing. I keep some at my office and some in my car for emergencies. Nice and convenient.”
    ~ George R., Seattle, WA

    So, Who Is {YOUR PRODUCT} FOR?

    AVATAR 1

    AVATAR 2

    AVATAR 3

    AVATAR 4

    Real Nutrition You Can Trust


    Soy Free




    Made In The USA


    The 5 Top Reasons To Choose {NAME OF OFFER} For {INSERT BIG PICTURE BENEFIT}


    Discuss benefit and tie it back to your unique solution, your offer. 

    So if the benefit is energy, then you'll want to talk about the ingredients in your offer and how they contribute to more energy.



    Then tie into how your unique offer can help solve this problem, and how...




    What will happen to the prospect as they continue to use your unique product on a daily basis and it's become part of their new routine? 

    How will they feel? 

    What great opportunities have come their way because of your offer? 

    How has their life improved because of your offer?


    Remind them about a unique benefit they'll be able to receive, which only comes from your unique offer. 

    Example: Want energy without the crash? Our formula has this special ingredient that helps you stay awake, focused, and alive without the need of a nap an hour later...

    The idea is to remind them why your offer is memorable and special.

    How Does {INSERT YOUR OFFER} Work?


    Step 1: SIMPLE

    Don't think too hard. Keep it simple. What's the first step?

    Step 2: EASY

    Again, don't overthink it.

    Step 3: FAST

    Did you overthink it? We said don't. So, don't.

    Big Headline...

    Because big headlines are fun.

    Remind them what they get when they order right away...
    • Cool thing they'll receive
    • ​Another cool thing...
    • And another...
    • It never ends...
    • ​They get all of the cool things.
    • ​OK one more cool thing...
    • ​Tricked you, here's another one...
    • ​What's that behind your ear?
    • ​Cool thing.

    “Take these with me to the gym. They work great.”

    ~ Steven R., Austin, TX

    “I normally skip breakfast because I just run out of time in the morning. I started taking these with me wherever I go. I take these with me to the gym. They work great. Gives me more energy and helps me cut back on my caffeine..”

     What's Inside {YOUR PRODUCT}?


    What's the product made of?

    For a health supplement or food offer, this is where you would break down the ingredients...

    First Up, We Have

    The main feature and why it's the best


    When writing ingredients, you want to still make it interesting, so what you do is you always tie it back to the benefits.

    Example: Vitamin C helps maintain skin moisture, keeping skin feeling smooth, soft, and taut.

    Made In The USA

    Does your market care about where the product comes from? Does that place of origin play an important role for your product? 

    Consider where a product is made and how that can lend value to the brand.

    Does It Not Have?

    What do your competitors have that could be considered negative? 

    Example: our competitor's product has sugar. Our product does not contain sugar, so a unique feature would be "sugar-free."

    Is your product caffeine-free? Does your product have gluten? Etc.

    Ingredient or unique feature

    Wheat grass is chock-full of rich micronutrients and antioxidants with research suggesting its natural abilities to balance blood sugar, squelch pro-inflammatory response, and improve weight loss efforts.

    Ingredient or unique feature

    High in polyphenols, oat grass has been known for centuries to help with stress, improve brain functions, and balance mood.

    Ingredient or unique feature

    With a long history of medicinal purposes, alfalfa grass contains an incredible amount of antioxidants. One study showed a lowering of LDL “bad” cholesterol by up to 18%!

    Organic Bilberry Powder

    Sharing similar antioxidant fighting power as blueberries, bilberry is a champion among berries at helping with inflammation, heart health, and normalizing blood sugar levels.

    Grape Seed Extract 

    Packed with antioxidants, including phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, research suggests grape seed extract may help fight against oxidative stress brought on by free radicals, enhance brain protection, improve heart health, and support kidney strength.

    Organic Kelp Powder

    With its excellent source of iodine, a nutrient we need for tip-top health, kelp powder has been shown to improve thyroid function, energy levels, and even weight loss. Studies show the fiber alginate found in kelp can actually help block fat from being absorbed by the body.

    Organic Ginger Root Powder

    Using its bioactive compound called “gingerols,” this incredible root may help suppress appetite for improved weight loss efforts. Ginger can also help with blood sugar, digestion, and energy levels.

    Licorice Root Extract

    Egyptian Pharaohs would drink this stuff as a treat! Little did they know they were filling their bodies with awesome antibacterial and antiviral properties. Licorice root is a natural remedy for immune protection, digestion support, and pro-inflammatory response.

    What Are You
    Waiting For?

    Smack that button below, right now,
    and let’s start your order today.

    How Does Our Product Stack Against Others?

    Sub-headline that draws attention to our superior product...

    Take a look for yourself...


    • ​Keep going...
    • Go nuts. 


    • List of negatives about the competition. 

    Uh, oh. This just in...

    Scarcity Scarcity


    Give the prospect a reason to buy and to buy right now...
    You don't have to resort to silly tactics like countdown timers and such. 

    You can if you want. (Again, always test and know what's working in your market.)

    Overall, you don't have to try so hard. 

    When you sell to the people that want what you're providing, they'll understand why they need to act and act now... but it doesn't hurt to give them a little reminder. 

    A little nudge, if you will.

    With that said, here’s us being completely honest: 

    With holidays coming up, and with the current supply chain issues...

    It might be difficult for our supplier to get us another shipment in... before Christmas.

    That's why if you're here right now, then order today before it's too late and we go on back-order for upwards of 3 months or more..."

    Something like that ^^ you want to give the person a reason to buy and buy today... it can be anything, so long as it makes sense.

    However, we do look at the reports and we do see...


    Just imagine {Insert future pacing benefits}

    Imagine {insert a very big desire the prospect has}...

    Talk about how that desire will change their life.
    Imagine {insert a very big desire the prospect has}...

    Talk about how that desire will change their life.
    Imagine {insert a very big desire the prospect has}...

    Talk about how that desire will change their life.
    Remind them of what makes your product the best option to take right now... and why your competitors are no match compared to what you provide.

    Make a connection to them. "It's not fair. It's not your fault" etc.

    Be open and honest and re-state your mission as to why you've decided to help people with this problem they're facing today...

    Uh, oh. This just in...

    Scarcity Scarcity


    Give the prospect a reason to buy and to buy right now...

    You don't have to resort to silly tactics like countdown timers and such. 

    You can if you want. (Again, always test and know what's working in your market.)

    Overall, you don't have to try so hard. 

    When you sell to the people that want what you're providing, they'll understand why they need to act and act now... but it doesn't hurt to give them a little reminder. 

    A little nudge, if you will.

    With that said, here’s us being completely honest: 

    With holidays coming up, and with the current supply chain issues...

    It might be difficult for our supplier to get us another shipment in... before Christmas.

    That's why if you're here right now, then order today before it's too late and we go on back-order for upwards of 3 months or more..."

    Something like that ^^ you want to give the person a reason to buy and buy today... it can be anything, so long as it makes sense.

    However, we do look at the reports and we do see


    Just imagine {Insert future pacing benefits}

    Imagine {insert a very big desire the prospect has}...

    Talk about how that desire will change their life.
    Imagine {insert a very big desire the prospect has}...

    Talk about how that desire will change their life.
    Imagine {insert a very big desire the prospect has}...

    Talk about how that desire will change their life.
    Remind them of what makes your product the best option to take right now... 

    And why your competitors are no match compared to what you provide.

    Make a connection to them. "It's not fair. It's not your fault" etc.

    Be open and honest and re-state your mission as to why you've decided to help people with this problem they're facing today...

    And When You Choose {INSERT PRODUCT} Today, You Can Also Receive

    The Following Bonuses

    Absolutely FREE!

     Bonus #1:



     Bonus #2:

    FREE E-Guides


    • When creating an e-guide, think about what the prospect would want next...
    • ​If you're selling a protein supplement, then the next obvious step would be to make recipes with the protein...
    • ​cheap, easy to get made, and it helps buyers with the final push to buy.

    Don't Think So Hard On Titles. Just do a "7 Reasons Why..." or "5 Easy Steps To..." 

    • Tease the content of the e-book
    • ​Example: Cake for breakfast? This recipe is a morning delight and good for you (page. 34).
    • ​Example: The 5 oils you should never cook beef with... (page. 45)
    • ​Teasing is the best way to get people super curious...

     Bonus #3:


    GO nuts with bonuses. 

    Who doesn't love free bonuses? 

    It's like taste testing the appetizers at Costco on a Saturday morning...

    Sometimes you drive the whole family to Costco JUST for the free samples.

    Maybe not all families...

    You get the idea.

    Same thing applies to the bonuses. 

    People will buy JUST for that extra bonus...

     Bonus #4:

    FREE Shipping!

    We pay for shipping. No added costs or funny business or nuthin’.

    Once you place your order we then give that order to Sandra in shipping. And Sandra’s all about getting orders sent out right away and delivered within 5 to 7 business days.

    But sometimes it’s faster because Sandra’s nuts and we think she knows some kinda shipping spell.

    Your Product Costs Less Than The Cost Of Something Common!

    So when we started, we wanted to make health affordable for all...

    This is when you go for the close and show them the price of the offer...

    Remind them of the value they've just received...

    Remind them of the features of the product and the quality of the product...

    As a special first-timer discount, we’re going to let everyone that comes from this page secure {NAME OF PRODUCT} for as low as $99... $67!

    which comes out to about

    $[X.XX] a day!

    Imagine, for only $X.XX a day you can say goodbye to {insert 3 main problems the prospect currently faces...}

    Pretty soon, before you know it, you'll start to {insert benefits in different areas of life}...


    How does their offer help their work?


    Can students use this offer? How can it help them?

    Another environmment—

    Talk about how the product can make their life easier, better, happier in this area...


    Another fun bonus... or a reminder of what they'll receive.

    Choose Your {INSERT PRODUCT NAME} Below Now And Save!


    One Time Purchase

    One Time Purchase

    30 Individual Servings

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $77

    +plus shipping


    Join The Product Club!

    Single Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $67/mo

    +plus shipping


    2X Results

    Double Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $194

    Today’s Price: $117/mo

    +plus shipping


    One Time Purchase

    One Time Purchase

    30 Individual Servings

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $77

    +plus shipping


    Join The Product Club!

    Single Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $67/mo

    +plus shipping


    2X Results

    Double Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $194

    Today’s Price: $117/mo

    +plus shipping

    Don’t Worry.

    You’re 100% Covered.

    This is where you drop the guarantee. Make it unique and memorable.

    Consider how many guarantees your market has seen...

    It's almost "guaranteed" to have some sort of guarantee on any product nowadays. 

    So think about that...

    And ask yourself, "what can I do to make my guarantee stand out?"

    You can do something as simple as having a "taste test" guarantee with the main feature of the product being great flavor. 

    Whatever you do, go big.

    But we promise you, {THIS PRODUCT} is unlike any other {product} out there today.

    Remind them of the awesome benefits they'll receive once they order today...

    Talk about how simple it is...

    Talk about how much their life will improve...

    Big Major Benefit That Will Happen When They Act Today

    Remind them of the value they'll be receiving. 

    Remind them how this offer may not be around for much longer...

    Or that it could go up in price...

    We’re still going to let you test out {INSERT PRODUCT NAME} for a full 60-days, risk free.

    And if you are not absolutely satisfied, then we'll refund your money with zero hard feelings.

    Choose Your {INSERT PRODUCT NAME} Below Now And Save!


    One Time Purchase

    One Time Purchase

    30 Individual Servings

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $77

    +plus shipping


    Join The Product Club!

    Single Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $67/mo

    +plus shipping


    2X Results

    Double Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $194

    Today’s Price: $117/mo

    +plus shipping


    One Time Purchase

    One Time Purchase

    30 Individual Servings

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $77

    +plus shipping


    Join The Product Club!

    Single Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $97

    Today’s Price: $67/mo

    +plus shipping


    2X Results

    Double Subscription

    Monthly Delivery,
    Skip, or Cancel Anytime

    Normally $194

    Today’s Price: $117/mo

    +plus shipping

    What Our Zuma Fans
    Think Of Us

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Zuma Juice is a health and wellness company that loves to serve everyday people with delicious and premium nutrition that’s also super fun to take.

    Our mission is to continually provide only the best nutritional supplements that can be added to any lifestyle, no matter the person’s age or size. We want everyone to experience the joys of living well through yummy and simple nutrition that’s made without unnecessary additives, fillers, added sugars, or nasty flavors. 

    Many of our customers that experience the best results, including more “up and at ‘em energy,” better digestion, and improved weight loss efforts, often secure the monthly subscription.
    This allows enough time for the perfectly-measured blend of 41 superfood ingredients to be absorbed more completely and become better acquainted with your unique health needs.
    While a 30-day supply of Zuma Green Juice™ can still give you many of the benefits from the natural ingredients, it’s best to continue taking Zuma Green Juice™ on a regular basis for at least 3 months to experience everything the high-grade ingredients has to offer.
    There’s no added risk to you by ordering more today. You are still covered by our 100%, 60-day money back guarantee, which you won’t find anywhere else.
    That’s how confident we know you’ll see and feel positive results almost immediately.

    Our Zuma Green Juice™ is super yummy! It's crafted for picky-eaters by picky-eaters. Our current flavor is peach ring candy, and we gotta admit... we nailed it. It tastes like you're drinking real peach rings. We're a bit biased... but it's the office's favorite flavor.

    It has zero added sugars and has a tiny amount of stevia and monkfruit for taste.

    That’s the term we used to describe “pro-inflammatory cytokines.” We wanted to call them by what they really— nasty toxic molecules that can wreak havoc on every part of the body.

    Thankfully, our Zuma Green Juice™ formula was crafted in such a way to help fill the body with the correct nutrients to help bring down stress levels and in turn, fight off harmful inflammation issues.

    Ingredients: Organic Artichoke (Leaf), VitaFiber (IMO), Organic Apple Juice, Natural Flavors, Organic Split Cell Chlorella (Algae), Split Cell Spirulina (Algae), Broccoli Juice, Citric Acid, Organic Sprouted Kale (Leaf), Organic Carrot Juice, Acerola Cherry Extract 20%, Organic Barley Grass Juice, Organic Oat Grass Juice, Organic Wheat Grass Juice, Organic Alfalfa Grass Juice, Organic Beet (Root), Organic Tomato, Organic Spinach (Leaf), Stevia (Leaf) 98%, Organic Cauliflower (Leaf), Peppermint (Leaf ), Organic Aloe Vera (Leaf), Organic Cinnamon (Bark), Organic Milk Thistle (Leaf) Monk (Fruit) 20%, Organic Kale (Leaf), Organic Cabbage (Leaf), Malic Acid.

    While it may vary from person to person— depending on habits, genes, and environmental factors such as location— many of our customers experience positive health results almost immediately and that’s because our formula is designed to lift energy levels and mood, naturally.

    It’s not a miracle— it’s years of evidence-based research and development to provide only the best, high-quality ingredients to improve overall health, inside and out.

    No. Unlike other formulas, our Zuma Juice is caffeine free and uses a specific combination of 5 powerful superfood blends to help trigger smooth, natural energy without jitters. 

    Yes! Matter of fact, kids are now loving their greens because of Zuma Juice. Zuma Juice is for everyone, no matter their age.

    For best health improvements, we recommend drinking Zuma Green Juice™ daily.

    Simply rip, pour, shake, and sip. It mixes well with water or it can be added to your favorite shake for micronutrient goodness.

    You can drink Zuma Green Juice™ anytime of the day. Our customers are nuts about drinking it first thing in the morning. Many of us also choose to drink Zuma Green Juice™ between meals as a quick snack, instead of grabbing something from a vending machine or Postmates...

    Yes! Matter of fact, we encourage all of our customers to enjoy Zuma Green Juice™ at least a couple of times a day. Obviously, we still recommend paying close attention to your body and how it’s feeling. In other words don’t drink the entire supply in one-sitting. We don’t have to be a Medium to know a bathroom run will be in your future if you do this.

    With that said, most of our customers say they’ll have 2 to 3 Zuma Green Juice™ packets a day.

    If you are unhappy with your order of Zuma Juice, then you may return your order within 60 days of purchase for a full refund and zero hassle.

    Yes! We process all of our orders through a safe, encryption payment processing system. We do not have access to your credit card information, nor do we have the ability to store your credit card information.

    You'd be surprised by how many people go to the FAQs...

    Quite a lot. 

    So don't skip them. 

    Matter of fact, use them to your advantage. Don't just write short, easy answers to their questions. 

    Take each question and answer it in a way that continues to drive the sale. 

    So structure the FAQs like, "Which package is right for me?" and then sell them on why a higher package is beneficial. 

    Think about it...

    What if you answered their one question that pushed them to buy? 

    So don't hold back. Put a lot of FAQs. 

    Look what everyone is saying

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Can't find what you're looking for? 
    Contact us at: hello@buyfromtiffany.com
